星期一: 帖前 4:1–18
星期二: 帖前 5:1–28
星期三: 帖后1:1–12
星期四: 帖后2:1–3:18
星期五: 提前 1:1–20
星期六: 提前 2:1–15
4:1–12 Paul gives advice on some practical matters dealing with sanctification so that their witness for the Lord may go forward blamelessly. We Christians must lead a sexually pure life so that we may not grieve the Holy Spirit. Our love to one another should not be superficial but honest and from the heart. We should live by our labor without improperly depending on others for support. The Lord—through His Spirit poured upon us—fights for us against the “flaming darts of the evil one” (Eph 6:16) so that we may live pure and blameless lives. • Thank You, Lord, that we are victorious through You and that Your victory is our victory. Mold us by Your Word so that we may imitate Your apostles and You in our daily walks of life. Amen.
4:1-12 保罗就成圣的一些实际问题提出建议,使他们为主所作的见证可以无可指责地向前推进。我们基督徒必须过性纯洁的生活,以免圣灵伤心。我们之间的爱不应该是肤浅的,而应该是发自内心的真诚。我们应该靠自己的劳动生活,而不是不适当地依赖他人的支持。主通过浇灌在我们身上的圣灵为我们抵挡 "那恶者的一切火箭"(弗 6:16),使我们能过纯洁无瑕的生活。- 感谢你,主,我们因你而得胜,你的胜利就是我们的胜利。请用你的话语塑造我们,让我们在日常生活中效法你的使徒和你。阿们。
4:13–18 Paul comforts the Thessalonians, saying that the dead in Christ will be the first to taste the resurrection and come with the risen Christ. At the second coming, we will all be together once more. Christians grieve over the death of loved ones but not as those who have no hope. The resurrection of our Lord, and the victory we have over death through Him, gives us a living hope, despite the fact that death separates loved ones and causes great pain. • Thank You, Lord Jesus, for making the way through death a path of hope and joy, due to Your resurrection. Create in our hearts the joy and hope of Your victory over death. Amen.
4:13-18 保罗安慰帖撒罗尼迦人说,在基督里死去的人将首先尝到复活的滋味,与复活的基督一同降临。在第二次降临时,我们将再次团聚。基督徒会为亲人的离世而悲伤,但不会像那些没有希望的人一样。主的复活,以及我们通过他所拥有的对死亡的得胜,给了我们活泼的盼望,尽管死亡会让亲人分离,带来巨大的痛苦。- 感谢你,主耶稣,因为你的复活,使死亡成为充满希望和喜乐的道路。请在我们心中创造你战胜死亡的喜乐和希望。阿们。
5:1–11 After describing the future glory of those who have died in Christ, Paul now proceeds to tell the Thessalonians about the coming Day of Judgment in which the Lord will give His final verdict. Let us walk in holiness and righteousness so that we may not be ashamed when our Lord appears to judge our work. The Lord who has chosen us for salvation and died for us will be on our side on the final Day of Judgment. • Lord, help us to recognize that there is a Day of Judgment for us. May the work and righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ be our defense when You come to judge the living and the dead. Amen.
5:1-11 在描述了那些在基督里死去的人未来的荣耀之后,保罗进而告诉帖撒罗尼迦人即将到来的审判日,主将在审判日给出他的最终判决。让我们行在圣洁和公义中,这样当我们的主显现来审判我们的行为时,我们就不会感到羞愧。为救赎我们而拣选我们并为我们而死的主将在最后的审判日站在我们这边。- 主啊,请帮助我们认识到,我们必要得见审判的日子。愿主耶稣基督的工作和公义在你来审判活人和死人时成为我们的辩护。阿们。
5:12–28 Paul gives both his final instruction about leadership and a benediction. Christians should support and encourage one another. We should respect the elders and leaders of our congregations because of their work for the Lord and the whole people of God. The Lord Jesus, by humbling Himself to the point of washing His disciples’ feet, showed to us the love He has for all believers. • Lord, give us Your heart and mind so that our life may be blameless, respecting and loving others. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
5:12-28 保罗给出了关于领导力的最后指示和祝福。基督徒应该互相支持和鼓励。我们应该尊重教会的长老和领袖,因为他们为主和上帝的子民做工。主耶稣谦卑地为门徒洗脚,向我们表明了他对所有信徒的爱。- 主啊,请把你的心意赐给我们,使我们的生活无可指责,尊重他人,爱护他人。奉耶稣的名祷告。阿们。
2 Thessalonians 帖后
1:1–2 Paul greets the Christians in Thessalonica as fellow members of the Body of Christ (the Church) and blesses them with God’s grace and peace. Christian believers are called out of worldliness to lives of holiness. We are connected to the Holy One, to the Lord Himself. As such, we must act differently than the world and not according to its standards of self-centeredness (cf Rm 12:1–2); we must exhibit grace and peace to all others. Like the Thessalonians, our place as Christians “in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ” is a gift from God and is assured to us by His grace alone (cf Eph 1:11–14). Jesus’ death and resurrection incorporated us into His Body through Baptism and reconciled us with the Father (cf Gal 2:20; Eph 2:13–21). • “Lord Jesus Christ, Your pow’r make known, For You are Lord of lords alone; Defend Your holy Church that we May sing your praise eternally. O Comforter of priceless worth, Send peace and unity on earth.” Amen. (LSB 655:2–3)
1:1-2 保罗问候帖撒罗尼迦的基督徒,把他们当作基督身体(教会)的肢体,并以神的恩典和平安祝福他们。基督徒蒙召脱离世俗,过圣洁的生活。我们与那独一圣者相连,就是与主自己相连。因此,我们必须以不同于世人的方式行事,而不是按照世人以自我为中心的标准行事(参见罗马书12:1-2);我们必须向所有人展示恩典与平安。与帖撒罗尼迦人一样,我们作为基督徒 "在神我们的父和主耶稣基督里 "的地位和身份是神赐给我们的礼物,唯有神的恩典才能确保我们拥有这个礼物(参弗 1:11-14)。耶稣的死和复活通过洗礼将我们纳入他的身体,并使我们与天父和好(参加拉太书 2:20;以弗所书 2:13-21)。- 主耶稣基督,请彰显你的权能,因为你是万主之主;保卫你神圣的教会,让我们永远歌颂你。最尊贵的保惠师啊,求你将平安与合一赐给人间"。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书655:2-3)
1:3–4 Paul gives thanks for God’s grace at work among the Thessalonians, by which He has created faith and love in them. Paul points to the persecuted Thessalonians as examples for other Christians of their time and ours. We, too, should “be imitators of God” (Eph 5:1). We must set an example to others in what we believe and in what we say and do for them; i.e., by living in faith and in love. In this way, we will be, as Luther puts it, little Christs, “[helping] our neighbor through our body and its works” (AE 31:367). Christ is indeed our example, but, much greater and higher than that, He is our Savior! Cf 1Pt 2:19–25. He suffered in our place, on account of our sins, for us! • Almighty God, we implore You that You would strengthen us through the Lord’s Supper in faith toward You and in fervent love toward one another. Amen.
1:3-4 保罗感谢神的恩典在帖撒罗尼迦人中间作工,在他们里面创造了信心和爱心。保罗指出,受迫害的帖撒罗尼迦人是他们那个时代和我们这个时代其他基督徒的榜样。我们也应该 "效法神"(弗 5:1)。我们必须在信仰、言行上为他人树立榜样,即活在信仰和爱中。这样,我们就会成为路德所说的 "小基督","通过我们的身体和行为帮助我们的邻居"(路德文集美国版31:367)。基督的确是我们的榜样,但他更是我们的救主,比榜样的角色更伟大、更崇高!参阅彼得前书2:19-25。他代替我们受苦,因我们的罪,为我们受苦!- 全能的上帝,我们恳求你通过主的晚餐坚固我们对你的信心和彼此间热切的爱。阿们。
1:5–12 God’s judgment will be carried out by the Lord Jesus at His second coming on the Last Day. This is bad news for those who do not believe, for those who reject God’s grace in Christ (v 8), as “they will suffer . . . away from the presence of the Lord” (v 9). As believers, we live in a state of continual readiness for this day (cf Mt 24:36–51; 2Co 6:2). Jesus will be glorified in us, and we in Him (v 12); by His grace, God will judge believers worthy to inherit heaven; and by His power, He will bring our faith to its heavenly fulfillment (vv 11–12). • Gracious Father, You led Your people, ancient Israel, from bondage in Egypt to the Promised Land. Lead us, the new Israel, from this earthly vale of tears to the promised land of Your heavenly kingdom and eternal life. Amen.
1:5-12 上帝的审判将由主耶稣在末日第二次降临时执行。这对那些不信的人来说是个坏消息,对那些拒绝上帝在基督里的恩典的人(第8节)来说是个坏消息,因为 "他们离开主的面的…就要刑罚"(第9节)。作为信徒,我们时刻准备着迎接这一天的到来(参太 24:36-51;林后 6:2)。耶稣将在我们身上得荣耀,我们也将在他身上得荣耀(第 12 节);神将以他的恩典,审判信徒配得承受天堂;他将以他的大能,使我们的信心在天上实现(第 11-12 节)。- 仁慈的天父,你带领你的子民,古以色列人,从埃及的奴役中来到应许之地。引领我们这些新以色列人,从这尘世的流泪谷走向你天国的应许之地和永生。阿们。
2:1–12 Paul warns the Thessalonians not to be misled regarding the second coming of Christ, that the day of the Lord has already come. He describes those apocalyptic events yet to take place before the return of Jesus, specifically the revelation of the man of lawlessness. We must be on guard against deception. There is much false teaching, especially regarding the end times. Our only protection against falsehood is to cling to the Word of God: read the Bible, pray based on the Word, and continue to hear the Word in the communion of saints. The Lord, the Word made flesh, brings us life under this Word of truth. Paul pastorally comforts the Thessalonians, and us, that Christ will overthrow this Antichrist. We look forward, with great hope and joy, to Christ’s return in glory. • “Lord, keep us steadfast in Your Word; Curb those who by deceit or sword Would wrest the kingdom from Your Son And bring to naught all He has done. O Comforter of priceless worth, Send peace and unity on earth; Support us in our final strife And lead us out of death to life.” Amen. (LSB 655:1, 3)
2:1-12 保罗警告帖撒罗尼迦人不要被基督再来的事误导,主的日子已经来到。他描述了耶稣再来之前尚未发生的世界末日事件,特别是无法无天之人的显现。我们必须警惕欺骗。有许多错误的教导,尤其是关于末世的。我们抵御谬论的唯一办法就是紧紧抓住上帝的话语:阅读圣经,根据话语祷告,在圣徒的交通中继续聆听话语。主,道成肉身的主,在这真理的话语下为我们带来生命。保罗以牧师的口吻安慰帖撒罗尼迦人和我们,基督必将推翻敌基督者。我们满怀希望和喜乐,期待基督在荣耀中再来。- 主啊,求你保守我们在你的话语中坚定不移;制止那些企图用欺骗或刀剑夺取你儿子的王国并使他所做的一切归于失败的人。哦,无价的安慰者,赐予人间和平与合一;在我们最后的争斗中支持我们,引领我们出死入生"。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书655:1,3)
2:13–17 Paul calls on the Thessalonians to stand firm in the faith the Lord has given them. He reminds them that both their calling and comfort have God as the source. We must not seek the truth in the spirit of the age, in the fads, trends, or ideas of today’s marketplace. The God who has elected us unto salvation keeps us steadfast in the faith (cf 1Th 5:23–24). The doctrine of election is a doctrine of the Gospel, by which we know that our salvation is guaranteed (Eph 1:14) because it depends on God alone as He has chosen us before the foundation of the world (see notes, Rm 8:28; 9:11). God assures us of this through the external signs of His Word and Sacrament He handed down to us through the apostles. • “The body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ strengthen and preserve you in body and soul to life everlasting.” Amen. (LSB, p 164)
2:13-17 保罗呼吁帖撒罗尼迦人坚守主赐给他们的信仰。他提醒他们,他们的呼召和安慰都以神为源泉。我们不能在时代的精神中,在当今市场的潮流、趋势或观念中寻求真理。那拣选我们使我们得救的神会保守我们在信仰上坚定不移(参帖前 5:23-24)。拣选的教义是福音的教义,据此我们知道我们的救恩是有保障的(弗 1:14),因为这完全取决于神,因为他在创立世界以前就拣选了我们(见注释,林8:28;9:11)。上帝通过使徒传给我们的他的话语和圣礼的外在标志向我们保证了这一点。我们主耶稣基督的身体和宝血坚固你们的身体和灵魂,保守你们直到永生。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书, 第164页)
3:1–5 Paul requests prayer for his missionary work and obedience to what he has commanded them. We are called to listen to those whom God has given to teach and preach the pure Word (Heb 13:17; cf Ac 5:27–32). The Lord’s faithfulness toward us is steadfast; He is an immovable rock. Through the Church (His Body) and her pastors, He will guard us against the attacks of the evil one (the devil) and the Antichrist. • “Protect us from war, bloodshed, plagues, pestilence, and other grievous diseases. Guard us against all evil and distresses of the body. Let Your divine will, the growth of Your kingdom and the glory of Your name be accomplished in all these things. Amen.” (Luth, TLWA, p 336)
3:1-5 保罗请求为他的传道工作和顺服他的吩咐祷告。我们蒙召听从神所赐的人的教导,传讲纯正的道(来13:17;参徒 5:27-32)。主对我们的信实是坚定不移的;他是不可动摇的磐石。他会通过教会(他的身体)和教会的牧师来保护我们,抵御那恶者(魔鬼)和敌基督者的攻击。- “保护我们远离战争、流血、瘟疫、疫病和其他恶疾。保护我们远离身体的一切邪恶和痛苦。让你的神圣旨意、你国度的扩展和你圣名的荣耀在这一切中得以实现。阿们”。(路德,主必应答,336 页)
3:6–15 Those who are idle are to be avoided and even denied fellowship in order that this might cause them to repent, amend their ways, and return to their fellow believers. Laziness is a serious sin against the God who created us and gave us talents and abilities. It is a sin against the Body of Christ, against our brothers and sisters in the Lord, to whom we have been joined and with whom we are to be co-workers. The good news is that this word of the condemning Law is not the last word. The Law shows us our need for the Savior from sin; the Gospel gives us that Savior. • Heavenly Father, I thank You that in Baptism You have broken into my life, unified me with the life of Christ, and chosen me for citizenship in Your kingdom. I praise You for this inheritance, this home, this family. I bless You for never having forgotten me and never ceasing to yearn for me, to seek me, to call me, to offer me forgiveness anew. Amen.
3:6-15 要避开那些游手好闲的人,甚至要拒绝与他们相交,以便使他们悔改,修正自己的行为,回到信徒中间。懒惰是对创造我们并赐给我们才干和能力的神来说是严重的犯罪。这是对基督身体的罪,是对我们在主里的弟兄姐妹的罪,我们已经与他们联合,并与他们同工。好消息是,这律法定罪的话并不是终点。律法告诉我们,我们需要救世主来拯救我们的罪,而福音给了我们这位救世主。- 天父,我感谢你在洗礼中闯入我的生命,使我与基督的生命合一,并拣选我成为你国度中的公民。我为这份遗产、这个家、这个家庭赞美你。我祝福你从未忘记我,从未停止对我的渴望,请继续寻找我,呼唤我,重新给予我宽恕。阿们。
3:16–18 Paul concludes his Letter with a prayer for peace and, in his own hand, a blessing of grace. We should imitate Paul in his blessing. We should pray for peace for others, even for our enemies. We should bless, and not curse, even those we do not like, even those who do us harm (Rm 12:19; 1Pt 3:9). Our prayer for God’s peace and grace in our lives is no mere wish. We do have peace with God and with one another through the blood of Christ; by the grace of our Lord, this is a peace that passes all understanding and remains steadfast regardless of external assaults by the devil (cf Eph 2:11–21; Col 1:19–20; Jn 14:27). • “O God, from whom come all holy desires, all good counsels, and all just works, give to us, Your servants, that peace which the world cannot give, that our hearts may be set to obey Your commandments and also that we, being defended from the fear of our enemies, may live in peace and quietness; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.” Amen. (LSB, p 233)
3:16-18 保罗以平安的祷告结束了他的书信,并亲手写下了恩典的祝福。我们应该效仿保罗的祝福。我们应该为他人,甚至是我们的敌人祈求平安。即使是面对我们不喜欢的人,即使是伤害我们的人(罗马书 12:19;彼得前书 3:9),我们也应该祝福,而不是咒诅。我们祈求上帝在我们生命中赐予平安和恩典,这不仅仅是一个愿望。借着基督的宝血,我们确实与神和睦,彼此和睦;因着主的恩典,这是一种超乎人一切所能理解的平安,无论魔鬼的外在攻击如何,这种平安始终坚定不移(参弗2:11-21;西1:19-20;约14:27)。- "神啊,一切圣洁的念想,一切良善的谋划,一切公义的行为,都是从他而来的,求你赐给我们这些你的仆人,世人所不能赐的平安,使我们的心定意遵行你的诫命,也使我们免于仇敌的惧怕,过平安宁静的生活;借着你的儿子耶稣基督我们祈祷,他是我们的主,与你和圣灵同活同掌权,为同一上帝,从今时直到永远。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书第233 页)
1:1–2 The work of the Gospel ministry carried out by Paul and Timothy flows from God’s command. The words they speak are His words, not their own. Their competence for ministry comes from God, who called them to His service. Today, we should not judge the effectiveness of those called to serve as Gospel ministers only according to their personality traits or other outward characteristics. Ministers should instead be regarded according to how faithfully they proclaim the Gospel message entrusted to them. The Lord Jesus has called ministers to be His representatives in our lives. The effectiveness of the Word they proclaim and the Absolution they pronounce rests on the power and authority of the Savior Himself. • Lord Jesus, teach us to regard the servants of Your Church not according to their individual strengths and weaknesses but as Your spokesmen, called to serve sinners with Your gifts of forgiveness and life. Amen.
1:1-2 保罗和提摩太所做的福音事工源于神的命令。他们所说的话是神的话,而不是他们自己的话。他们事奉的能力来自神,是神呼召他们来侍奉他。今天,我们不应该仅仅根据蒙召担任福音传道人的性格特点或其他外在特征来判断他们的工作成效。相反,我们应该根据传道人如何忠实地宣讲托付给他们的福音信息来评价他们。主耶稣呼召传道人成为他在我们生命中的代表。他们所宣讲的话语和所宣布的赦免是否有效,取决于救主本身的能力和权柄。- 主耶稣,求你教导我们,看待你教会的仆人时,不要以他们个人的长处和短处为标准,而应将他们视为你的代言人,知道他们是以你宽恕和生命的恩赐为罪人服务。阿们。
1:3–11 This Epistle was written to stop the teaching of false doctrine among the Ephesian churches and to promote the teaching of sound doctrine. Our sinful nature often leads us to be unconcerned about the doctrines God has given us in His Word. When this happens, we are guilty of being poor stewards of the Gospel. Yet, in the good news of Jesus Christ, we are given a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith—all of which enable us to receive God’s gift of sound doctrine with thanksgiving and eagerness. • Dear Lord, apply Your Law to our hearts, that we might recognize our sins and be brought to repentance. Give us a love for the healthy teaching of Your Gospel, that we might be faithful stewards of all You have entrusted to us. Amen.
1:3-11 写这封书信是为了制止以弗所教会中错误教义的传授,并促进正确教义的传授。我们的罪性常常使我们对上帝在他的话语中赐给我们的教义漠不关心。一旦出现这种情况,我们就会成为福音的差劲管家。然而,在耶稣基督的福音中,我们被赐予了纯洁的心灵、良知和真诚的信仰--所有这些都使我们能够以感恩和热切的心情接受上帝赐予我们的正确教义。- 亲爱的主啊,请将你的律法应用于我们的内心,让我们认识到自己的罪并悔改。赐予我们对你福音得到健康教导的热爱,使我们成为你托付给我们的一切的忠实管家。阿们。
1:12–20 “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (v 15). This truth is the beating heart of all our hope and joy. God’s patience and mercy are at work to save all sinners, whether they are blinded by ignorance (like Paul) or have actively rejected the faith (like Hymenaeus and Alexander). Our conscience may sometimes be plagued by doubts and regrets. But if God’s desire to save sinners could extend even to Paul, who actively persecuted Jesus’ followers, and who is foremost among sinners, then it can certainly extend to us as well. God’s mercy and patience for us is demonstrated at the cross, where Jesus died as the substitute for all sinners and won eternal life for all who believe. • “Almighty God, You turned the heart of him who persecuted the Church and by his preaching caused the light of the Gospel to shine throughout the world. Grant us ever to rejoice in the saving light of Your Gospel and, following the example of the apostle Paul, to spread it to the ends of the earth.” Amen. (LSB Altar Book, p 954)
1:12-20 "基督耶稣降世,为要拯救罪人"(第 15 节)。这一真理是我们所有希望和喜乐的心脏。上帝的忍耐和怜悯在做工,拯救所有罪人,无论他们是被无知蒙蔽了双眼(如保罗),还是主动拒绝了信仰(如许米乃和亚历山大)。我们的良心有时会被怀疑和后悔所困扰。但是,如果上帝拯救罪人的愿望甚至能延伸到积极迫害耶稣的追随者、罪人中最重要的保罗身上,那么它肯定也能延伸到我们身上。上帝对我们的怜悯和忍耐在十字架上得到了证明,耶稣作为所有罪人的替罪羊而死,为所有相信耶稣的人赢得了永生。“全能的上帝,你使迫害教会的人回心转意,并通过他的布道使福音之光照耀全世界。请赐予我们永远在你福音的救赎之光中欢欣鼓舞,并以使徒保罗为榜样,将福音传遍地极。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书祭坛手册,第954 页)
Ch 2 The Gospel affirms the unique vocations God assigned to men and women at creation. Our sinful nature may sometimes bristle at the roles and responsibilities God has given us, causing us to fail to see that God has given us His divine design for male and female because He loves us and always wants what is best for us. We must always be on guard against this kind of sin, especially as we are gathered for public worship. Jesus faithfully fulfilled the divine role assigned to Him as the one mediator between God and all people. He willingly submitted Himself to death as the sacred substitute for sinners. Through faith in Him, we receive forgiveness of sins, and we rejoice to serve Him in earthly vocations characterized by thanksgiving, modesty, and self-control. • Blessed Savior, as we gather in Your name for worship, give voice to our prayers for all people. Lead us to delight in the roles and responsibilities You have so lovingly assigned us and to live out our vocations in submissiveness to You and to Your Word. Amen.
第2章 福音肯定了上帝在创世时赋予男人和女人的独特使命。我们的罪性有时可能会对上帝赋予我们的角色和责任嗤之以鼻,导致我们看不到上帝赋予我们男女的神圣设计是因为他爱我们,总是为我们着想。我们必须时刻警惕这种罪,尤其是当我们聚集在一起做公共敬拜时。耶稣忠实地履行了赋予他的神圣角色,即上帝与所有人之间的唯一中保。他甘愿受死,作为罪人的神圣替代品。通过对他的信仰,我们的罪得到了赦免,我们欣喜地以感恩、谦逊和自制为特征的世俗职业来侍奉他。- 神圣的救世主,当我们以你的名义聚集敬拜时,请让我们发声为所有人的祈祷。引导我们喜悦于你如此慈爱地分配给我们的角色和责任,顺服于你和你的话语,活出我们的圣召。阿们。