星期一: 加3:1–29
星期二: 加4:1–31
星期三: 加5:1–6:18
星期四: 弗 1:1–23
星期五: 弗 2:1–22
星期六: 弗 3:1–21
3:1–9 The Galatians’ experience (vv 1–5) and Scripture’s witness concerning Abraham (vv 6–9) teach that all believers are heirs of Abraham, to whom faith “was counted . . . as righteousness” (v 6). Paul warns against being mesmerized by the foolish notion that salvation is completed by works of the Law. Those who see the crucified Christ in faith, however, see their sins completely forgiven. • How blessed we are, Lord, to be the heirs of Your promises! Thank You for granting me faith through Your Word. Amen.
3:1-9 加拉太人的经历(第1-5节)和圣经关于亚伯拉罕的见证(第6-9节)告诉我们,所有信徒都是亚伯拉罕的后嗣,他们的信 "被算为义"(第6节)。保罗警告人们不要被愚昧的观念所迷惑,认为救赎是靠律法的行为来完成的。然而,那些凭着信心看到钉在十字架上的基督的人,他们的罪会得到完全的赦免。- 主啊,我们何其有幸,成为你应许的继承人!感谢你通过你的话语赐予我信心。阿们。
3:10–14 Christ redeems us from the Law’s curse by becoming a curse for us. One sin, no matter how trivial it may seem to us, makes us a transgressor of the whole Law and accountable to God (Jas 2:10). But Christ’s death on the cross releases us from the guilt of every transgression. • O Holy Spirit, continue to strengthen us in the new life of faith begun in our Baptism. Amen.
3:10-14 基督替我们成了咒诅,救赎我们脱离律法的咒诅。一个罪,无论在我们看来多么微不足道,都会使我们违背整个律法,必要向神交账(雅2:10)。但基督在十字架上的死使我们摆脱了每一次过犯的罪责。- 圣灵啊,求你继续坚固我们在洗礼中开始的信仰新生活。阿们。
3:15–29 Through Christ, God fulfills the promise He gave to Abraham. All united to Christ by Baptism become heirs of the promise and therefore are righteous before God. The Law, as between Moses and Christ, still serves the good purpose of revealing sin and our need for a Savior. However, Christ does what the Law cannot do. He gives forgiveness and life. • Lord, help us to see that in our congregation all are to be welcomed, whatever their background or place in life. Help us also to reach out to all with the message of Jesus’ love. Amen.
3:15-29 上帝通过基督实现了他给亚伯拉罕的应许。所有通过洗礼与基督联合的人都成为了应许的继承人,因此在上帝面前是公义的。在摩西和基督之间,律法仍然发挥着重要的作用,就是揭示罪和显明我们对救主的需要。然而,基督做了律法无法做到的事。他赐予我们宽恕和生命。- 主啊,求你帮助我们看到,在我们的会众中,所有人都是受欢迎的,无论他们的背景或生活地位如何。也请帮助我们向所有人传递耶稣爱的信息。阿们。
4:1–7 The Holy Spirit assures us that we are God’s children, redeemed by Jesus Christ and made full heirs of the promise to Abraham. The Spirit never derides God’s Son or spiritual matters (1Co 12:3). Christ earned for us the right to call God “our Father,” a prayer taught only by the Spirit. • Dear Father, in confidence and boldness I bring my needs before You. Hear me for the sake of Jesus alone. Amen.
4:1-7 圣灵向我们保证,我们是上帝的儿女,是耶稣基督救赎的,是赐给亚伯拉罕的那应许的完全继承人。圣灵从不贬低上帝的儿子或属灵的事情(哥林多前书 12:3)。基督为我们赢得了称上帝为 "我们的父 "的权利,这是只有圣灵才教导我们的祷告。- 亲爱的天父,我满怀信心,勇敢地把我的需要带到你面前。求你单单为耶稣的缘故垂听我的祷告。阿们。
4:8–20 Paul appeals to the Galatians as a pastor with affection and tenderness, genuinely desiring to restore their friendship and especially the freedom in Christ they once so gladly embraced. Tragically, enemies of the Gospel continue to camouflage their dishonorable intentions as they seek to draw people away from Christ. When pastors proclaim the Gospel, Christ Himself is inviting all to return to Him for forgiveness and renewal of faith. • Heavenly Father, I pray for all ministers of the Word and the blessings they bring. Through them, open our eyes to the truth. Amen.
4:8-20 保罗以牧师的身份满怀深情和温柔地向加拉太人发出呼吁,真诚地希望恢复他们的友谊,特别是他们曾经欣然接受的在基督里的自由。可悲的是,福音的敌人继续伪装他们不光彩的意图,试图诱惑人们离开基督。当牧师们宣讲福音时,就是基督自己在邀请所有人回到他身边,寻求宽恕和信仰的更新。- 天父,我为所有传道者祷告,为他们带来的祝福祷告。通过他们,打开我们的眼睛,让我们看到真理。阿们。
4:21–31 Paul reverses the Judaizers’ definition of Abraham’s true children. The uncircumcised Gentile Christians are Sarah’s children (and thus free), not Hagar’s (slaves). Legalism (v 21) imagines that a saving relationship with God depends on certain rules and regulations. The Christian religion sets people free, giving birth to heirs of eternal life in Christ. • We rejoice, O Lord, that through faith we are already members of Your heavenly kingdom. Lead us to share our joy by sharing the promise in Jesus. Amen.
4:21-31 保罗推翻了犹太教条化的基督徒对亚伯拉罕真正子孙的定义。未受割礼的外邦基督徒是撒拉的儿女(因此是自由的),而不是夏甲的儿女(奴隶)。律法主义(第 21 节)认为与上帝的救赎关系取决于某些规则和条例。基督教使人自由,使人在基督里成为永生的继承人。- 主啊,我们欢喜,因着信,我们已是你天国中的一员。请引导我们通过分享在耶稣里的应许来分享我们的喜乐。阿们。
5:1–15. Paul specifically argues that the acceptance of circumcision in principle violates Christian freedom and endangers a person’s relationship to Christ. Congregational strife often arises when issues in the area of Christian freedom are elevated to the level of biblical doctrine. Christ Jesus loved us to the end so that He might lift the burden of guilt that troubles our consciences. • Lord, as we eagerly await Your coming, free us from pettiness and self-indulgence so that we may love one another. Amen.
5:1-15. 保罗特别指出,接受割礼原则上侵犯了基督徒的自由,并危及个人与基督的关系。当基督徒自由方面的问题被提升到圣经教义的高度时,会众之间的纷争就会经常发生。基督耶稣爱我们到底,为的是解除困扰我们良心的罪疚重担。- 主啊,我们翘首期盼你的到来,在你来之前,求你不断释放我们,使我们不再斤斤计较和自我放纵,从而能够彼此相爱。阿们。
5:16–26 Christian freedom means walking, conducting oneself, by the Holy Spirit’s power and leading. Our sinful flesh, consumed by self-importance, instinctively looks down on others and inevitably causes interpersonal tensions. At Baptism, we were united with Christ, who died to set us free from sin and the way of the Law. • O Holy Spirit, give us daily victories over sin in our personal life and, above all, the power to love one another. Amen.
5:16-26 基督徒的自由意味着我们靠圣灵的大能和引领行事为人。我们有罪的肉体被自大所吞噬,本能地看不起他人,不可避免地造成人际关系紧张。在洗礼中,我们与基督结合,他的死使我们脱离了罪和律法的束缚。- 圣灵啊,求你每天赐给我们战胜个人生活中的罪的力量,更是赐给我们彼此相爱的力量。阿们。
6:1–10 Members of God’s family restore the erring, bear one another’s burdens, support their teachers, and do good to all—especially to fellow Christians. An attitude of moral superiority closes the heart against the brother or sister in need (cf 1 Jn 3:17). The Son of God “loved me and gave Himself for me” (2:20), that I may be free to serve Him and my neighbor in need. • Teach me to be patient with others, Lord, so I may not grow tired of doing good. Restore me with unfailing mercy. Amen.
6:1-10 上帝大家庭的成员要帮助犯错的人改过自新,彼此分摊重担,支持他们的老师,善待所有人--尤其是基督徒同路人。道德上的优越感会使人对需要帮助的弟兄或姐妹关闭心门(参约壹 3:17)。神子 "爱我,为我舍己"(2:20),使我可以自由地侍奉他和有需要的邻舍。- 主啊,教导我耐心待人,这样我就不会厌倦行善。请用永不止息的怜悯使我复兴。阿们。
6:11–18 In a handwritten postscript, Paul leaves us with an interpretive lens through which to evaluate all Christian teaching and life: the message of the cross. Against all self-righteous pride in spiritual accomplishments, the cross speaks a word of judgment. Yet to those who believe, the cross is God’s power to make all things new. • Lord, in Baptism, You put my old nature to death. By Your grace, dear Lord Jesus, continue to renew me. I already am a new creation in You. Amen.
6:11-18 在手写的后记中,保罗给我们留下了用于评价所有基督教教导和生活的解读眼镜:十字架的信息。十字架针对所有自以为是的属灵成就,发出了审判的话语。然而,对于信的人来说,十字架是上帝使万物焕然一新的大能。- 主啊,在洗礼中,你使我的老我死亡。亲爱的主耶稣,以你的恩典,继续更新我。在你里面,我已经是新造的人了。阿们。
1:15–23 Paul gives thanks for God’s power at work in the Ephesians. God’s power is not automatically good news. It terrifies sinners, but it comforts us who know His love for us in Christ. • Merciful Lord, powerful to save, grant us Your good Spirit that we may boldly confess Jesus’ saving Gospel. Amen.
1:15-23 保罗感谢神的大能在以弗所人身上运行。上帝的大能本身算不是好消息。它会让罪人恐惧,但却让我们这些在基督里知道他对我们的爱的人感到安慰。- 仁慈的主啊,你有拯救的大能,请赐给我们你圣洁良善的灵,让我们大胆地承认耶稣拯救我们的福音。阿们。
2:1–10 Judaizers threatened most early Christian communities, teaching that Gentiles had to obey the OT Law in addition to faith in Christ. But Paul insists that God saves both Jews and Gentiles by grace through faith, apart from any works. Today’s self-help culture likewise tempts us to try to do it all ourselves. • Lord, help me to abandon my self-confidence and rejoice in Your grace alone. Amen.
2:1-10 犹太化基督徒威胁着大多数早期基督徒团体,他们教导外邦人除了信基督之外,还必须遵守旧约律法。但保罗坚持认为,上帝拯救犹太人和外邦人都是因着恩典和信心,与任何行为无关。今天的自助文化同样诱惑着我们试图自己做所有的事情。- 主啊,求你帮助我放弃自信,只在你的恩典中喜乐。阿们。
2:11–22 Notions of favoritism divided the earliest Christian churches and still affect our churches today. Paul urges all of us to remember who we were apart from Christ and to rejoice in what Christ has made us to be: His one Body. • Lord, forgive my prejudices and teach me to see Your Son in every Christian. Amen.
2:11-22 偏爱的观念分裂了最早的基督教会,今天仍然影响着我们的教会。保罗敦促我们所有人记住我们不认识基督之前的光景,并为基督使我们成为的样子而喜乐: 就是让我们成为他的一个身体。- 主啊,请原谅我的偏见,教导我在每一个基督徒身上看到你的儿子。阿们。
3:1–13 Paul defends his call as an apostle by emphasizing its basis in the Gospel. Though our personal credentials are important, our service is based on God’s gifts and calling, which stem from the Gospel. • Lord, lead me to serve according to Your gifts and calling, rather than by my reason or strength. Amen.
3:1-13 保罗为自己作为使徒的呼召辩护,他强调呼召是以福音为基础的。虽然我们的个人资历很重要,但我们的侍奉是基于上帝的恩赐和呼召,而这些都源于福音。- 主啊,求你引导我按照你的恩赐和呼召侍奉你,而不是靠我的理智或力量。阿们。
3:14–21 As Paul considers God’s wisdom, grace, and love, he breaks out in prayer and praise. Study of God’s Word naturally combines with prayer and praise in the Divine Service, where Christ’s gifts are given out, and we receive them with thanksgiving. • Lord, let these verses be my prayer for my church today. Amen.
3:14-21 当保罗思考神的智慧、恩典和爱时,他心中涌出祷告和赞美。在神圣服侍中,学习上帝的话语与祷告和赞美自然而然地结合在一起,在神圣服侍中,基督的恩赐被赐予我们,我们感恩地接受它们。- 主啊,让这些经文成为我今天为教会所作的祷告。阿们。