20:1–16 Serving the Lord’s kingdom is a privilege and labor of love, not something undertaken to gain a reward. When we begin to think that God’s kingdom needs or depends on us, we get it completely backward. We need and depend on it! Through forgiveness and the renewing work of God’s Spirit, we can indeed be used by God for vital service in His kingdom. • Keep me ever mindful, Lord, that it is only by grace that I have been included in Your kingdom and am privileged to serve in it. Amen.
20:1-16 服事主的国度是一种特权和爱的工作,而不是为了得到回报。当我们开始认为神的国度需要或依靠我们时,我们就把事情弄反了。我们需要并依靠它!通过神的饶恕和圣灵的更新工作,我们确实可以被上帝使用,为他的国度提供重要服务。- 主啊,让我永远记住,我是因着恩典才被纳入你的国度,并有特权在其中服务。阿们。
20:17–19 For a third and final time, Jesus predicts His Passion. Ironically, Jesus’ three predictions match the number of Peter’s denials. The depth of humanity’s sin is such that only the death of God’s Son can atone for it. No one took Jesus’ life from Him, as His Passion predictions make clear. Rather, He willingly laid down His life in order to save us. • “Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast Save in the death of Christ, my God. . . . Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all!” Amen. (LSB 426:2, 4)
20:17-19 耶稣第三次也是最后一次预言了他的受难。具有讽刺意味的是,耶稣的三次预言与彼得不认主的次数一致。人类的罪孽之深,只有上帝之子的死亡才能救赎。没有人夺走耶稣的生命,正如他的受难预言所表明的。相反,他心甘情愿地舍弃自己的生命,以拯救我们。- "主啊,求你叫我除了基督,我的上帝,的死亡以外,不以其他任何东西夸耀。. . . 你的爱是如此奇异,如此神圣,这大爱要占据我的灵魂,我的生命,我的一切!" 阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 426:2, 4)
20:20–28 Jesus continues to convince His disciples that in His kingdom, humility and service, not acclaim and power, are most highly valued. Just as it was among the Twelve, so also today the lust for power and control over others continues to be a problem in the Christian community. Though many things make Jesus great—among them His role in creating and preserving all things—it is His sacrificial death that is most wonderful for us. • We thank You, Lord Jesus, for though You were unspeakably rich, You willingly became poor, that by Your great poverty we might become rich. Amen.
20:20-28 耶稣继续说服他的门徒,在他的国度里,最看重的是谦卑和服事,而不是荣誉和权力。就像在十二门徒中发生的一样,今天,对权力和控制他人的欲望仍然是基督徒群体中的一个问题。尽管有许多事情显明耶稣的伟大—其中包括他创造和维持万有的角色—但他的牺牲之死对我们来说是最奇妙的。- 我们感谢你,主耶稣,你本来富足,却为我们成了贫穷,叫我们因你的贫穷,可以成为富足。阿们。
20:29–34 Though the nearness of the crowd and His own impending death weigh heavily on Him, Jesus is not too preoccupied to help two men in desperate need. Like the people in Jericho who tried to silence the two blind men, we also may tend to treat persons in need as nuisances. Yet Jesus painstakingly extended His ministry to all in need, showing care and concern for them. We, too, have received His grace. • “Amazing grace—how sweet the sound—That saved a wretch like me! I once was lost but now am found, Was blind but now I see!” Amen. (LSB 744:1)
20:29-34 尽管众人的簇拥和他自己即将到来的死亡对他来说是个沉重的负担,但耶稣并没有因自己的忙碌而不去帮助两个有迫切需要的人。就像耶利哥的人试图让这两个盲人闭嘴一样,我们也可能倾向于讨厌那些有需要的人。然而,耶稣煞费苦心地将他的事工扩展到所有需要帮助的人,对他们表示关心和关注。我们也得到了他的恩典。- "奇异恩典,何等甘甜,我罪已得赦免;前我失丧,今被寻回,瞎眼今得看见。" 阿们。(LSB 744:1)
21:1–11 Palm Sunday is a high point, as a crowd at the Jewish capital openly acclaims Jesus as Messiah. It is also a turning point, however, since it galvanizes His opponents. Like the crowds in Jerusalem, we are prone to fickleness—today all for the Lord, tomorrow turning from Him. Though we often prove faithless, Jesus remains constant. His love and forgiveness never falter. • “ ‘Hosanna in the highest!’ That ancient song we sing; For Christ is our Redeemer, The Lord of heav’n our King.” Amen. (LSB 443:3)
21:1-11 棕枝主日是一个高潮,因为在犹太人的首都有一群人公开称赞耶稣是弥赛亚。然而,这也是一个转折点,因为它更加激动他的反对者采取行动。就像耶路撒冷的群众一样,我们很容易变幻无常--今天全心全意地跟随主,明天又转离他。虽然我们经常被证明是没有信心的,但耶稣却始终如一。他的爱和宽恕从不动摇。- "'高高在上和散那'! 这首古老的歌我们颂唱;因为基督是我们的救世主,天国的主是我们的王。" 阿门。(路德宗崇拜书 443:3)
21:12–17 Immediately after being acclaimed Messiah, Jesus further provokes the Jewish leaders by driving merchants and money-changers out of the temple. Sometimes financial concerns eclipse the Church’s real priority: faithfully teaching the Word and administering the Sacraments. Jesus responds to our misuse of holy things not by yanking them away from us but rather by correcting us and calling us to receive them worthily, unto faith and salvation. • “Almighty, ever-living God, grant that . . . all my worship may be acceptable unto Thee; through Jesus Christ, my Lord.” Amen. (TLH, p 4)
21:12-17 在被欢呼称赞为弥赛亚之后,耶稣立即将商人和兑换银钱的人赶出了圣殿,从而进一步激怒了犹太领袖。有时,财务顾虑消逝了教会真正的优先事项:忠实地教导上帝的道和实施圣礼。耶稣对我们滥用圣物的回应并不是将它们从我们手中夺走,而是纠正我们的错误并呼召我们以配得的方式领受它们,让我们获得信心和救赎。- "全能永生的上帝,请赐予恩典......让我所有的敬拜都蒙你悦纳;我们祷告是藉着耶稣基督,我的主。" 阿们。(路德宗诗歌本, 第四页)
21:18–22 By cursing a fruitless fig tree, Jesus reveals symbolically God’s judgment against the faithless and fruitless portion of His covenant people. Though we are saved by faith alone, producing fruit for God and His kingdom is not optional. Though faithlessness rightly deserves God’s wrath, God Himself works faithfulness in us and grants a rich reward of blessings. • Lord Jesus, You are the true vine. Apart from You, we can do nothing. Keep us united to You, that we produce abundant fruit to Your glory. Amen.
21:18-22 耶稣通过诅咒一棵不结果的无花果树,象征性地揭示了神对他的圣约子民中不忠信和不结果之人的审判。虽然我们是唯独因信得救,但为神和他的国度结出果实并不是可有可无的。虽然不忠信理所当然地应得上帝的愤怒,但是,上帝自己却在我们身上作了信实的工作,并赐下了丰富的祝福。- 主耶稣,你是真正的葡萄树。离开你,我们什么都不能做。求你使我们与你联合,使我们结出丰硕的果实,为你带来荣耀。阿们。
21:23–27 When His opponents challenge the source of His authority, Jesus exhibits a wisdom that powerfully attests to His status as one sent by God. Like Jesus’ opponents, we sometimes challenge the Lord’s authority and attempt to stand in judgment of Him. But God rightly judges us, not vice versa. Jesus willingly submitted to the authority of those who falsely accused Him and unjustly condemned Him to death. By His death, He won our salvation. • Give us grace always to submit to Your authority, O Lord, for it comes from heaven and so can lead us there, where we will reign with You forever. Amen.
21:23-27 当他的敌对者挑战他权威的来源时,耶稣表现出一种智慧,有力地证明了他作为上帝差来的人的身份。像耶稣的敌对者一样,我们有时也会挑战主的权威,并试图对他进行审判。但是神审判我们是合宜的,而不是反过来。耶稣心甘情愿地顺从那些诬陷他并且不公正地判处他死刑的人的权威。通过他的死亡,他赢得了我们的救赎。- 主啊,求你赐给我们恩典,让我们永远顺从你的权威,因为这救恩是来自天上,所以可以带领我们到天堂,在那里我们将与你永远掌权。阿们。
21:28–32 Jesus graphically depicts the obstinance of His opponents and the depth of their sin in rejecting Him. There are times that our stubborn refusals to change our behavior are just as obstinate. In God’s kingdom, no repentant sinner is ever turned away. Repentant tax collectors and prostitutes were welcomed; so are we! • “Chief of sinners though I be, Jesus shed His blood for me, Died that I might live on high, Lives that I might never die. As the branch is to the vine, I am His, and He is mine.” Amen. (LSB 611:1)
21:28-32 耶稣形象地描述了他的敌对者是多么顽固和他们因拒绝他所犯下的罪恶是多么严重。有些时候,我们顽固地拒绝改变我们的行为,也同样刚硬。在神的国度里,任何悔改的罪人都会被接纳,没有例外。悔改的税吏和妓女都受到欢迎;我们也一样! "我虽是罪人之首,耶稣为我流了宝血,他为我而死, 使我活在高处,拥有永生。我属于他,他也属于我,就像枝子对葡萄树相连一样。阿们。(路德宗崇拜书 611:1)
21:33–46 Jesus warns His opponents that rejecting Him will ultimately lead to their exclusion from the Kingdom. Judgment is based on one’s reaction to Jesus. Those rejecting Him are excluded from God’s kingdom and are consigned to the only other option: an eternity apart from God in hell. In His great wisdom and mercy, God used the murder of His Son to work salvation, and He used the rejection of Israel’s leaders to hasten the extension of the Kingdom to Gentiles. • Heavenly Father, keep us united by faith to Christ, our source of life, lest we ever turn away, reject Him, and so lose our hope of salvation. Amen.
21:33-46 耶稣警告那些敌对他的人说,拒绝他最终会导致他们被排除在天国之外。审判是基于一个人对耶稣的反应。拒绝他的人被排除在上帝的国度之外,并被送入为他们存留的唯一去处:在地狱中与上帝永远分离。上帝以他的大智慧和怜悯,使用他儿子的被杀来实现救赎,他使用以色列领袖们的拒绝来加速天国向外邦人扩展。- 天父啊,求你让我们因着信心与基督—我们的生命之源—连结在一起,以免我们转身离开,拒绝他,从而失去我们得救的盼望。阿们。